If you tried our free trial class and are still unsure about signing up, we offer the chance to book single lessons. Please note that single lesson bookings depend on the availability of each class and the material taught in each lesson. Not all lessons are available to book as extra classes.

If you book an extra class and we are unable to offer it, we will try to accommodate you in another class if possible.

If you are a current member who needs one or two extra classes, you may book an extra class too. However, we recommend booking for the term first and foremost as extra classes will depend on availability and you might not be able to train in all of them. If there is space available and you want to book a few classes, you might be more interested in registering for a half term rather than single lessons, as it guarantees a slot for you permanently in that class and is the most affordable option as well.


To register, please complete and submit the form below. Our head coach or someone in the management team will reply as soon as possible to confirm the date and time of your extra class or discuss availability with you if we are unable to allocate you in the chosen class.

Please note there may be a waiting time of several weeks before an extra class is available for you

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Student Name:
(If minor) Parent / Guardian Name:
Pleease choose which class you'd like to attend for an extra class:
Please select student's current experience with Taekwondo:
Terms and Conditions